Our Story
Gabriel came to us as an old, blind, deaf and very sick cat. He died from a stroke a few days later but he left a deep impact on our lives. He was and is the seed impulse of our voluntary work.
We promised him, that to the best of our capacities, we will be there for the other destitute cats like him and so it was that, on the on the 15 of May 2018 Cecilia Rosas Fuentes and Sharon Petersen started Sharon's Foster Furries with the support of a small group of friends .
Since then the Gabriel fund has helped many adult cats who were in dire situations, we have established two Gabriel Homes for FIV+ cats and Foster Furry Rescue have rehomed over 1200 adult cats and kittens. All this thanks to the dedication of our foster moms, management committee, volunteers and the support from a small group of donors.