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TNR & Feral Cats

Feral cat populations are growing due to abandonment of  unsterilised cats and kittens. 


After sterilization, feral adult cats will be released back to their environment. Kittens that are not feral, are taken in by one of our available foster moms and then  adopted out in our normal way.


In 2020 from July to November we ran a Sterilisation Drive in Mitchell Plain. Thanks to the support of our donors, support from local cats owners, local cat rescue friends, like Shahieda Easton, Junaid Hoosain, Vanessa Goedhals and to the amazing Feral Cat Project Cape Town, we sterilised close to 100 cats, mostly females. Special thanks to the donors that supported this . 


Currently our TNR programme is only for local cases and when requested.


The first slide, shows  Thomas when he was trapped as a semi feral kitten, we worked with him to tame him, and he and his sister Ella where adopted together. The second slide, shows Thomas as a happy, loving big boy is his furever home.


The other slides show our trapping in action and Mitchell Plain Sterilisation Drive. The last slide is the face of an unsterilised tom cat.

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